Kiddush Cup – Grapevine with Saucer

$37.50 $28.13

item code: KC02
shipping weight: 0.75 kg
Quantity Sale Price
1 - 14 $28.13
15 + $22.50


Grapevine Kiddush Cup with Saucer, Silver coloured

Size: 6.3″ high (16cm)

The Biblical term “Fruit of the Vine” includes both wine and grape juice. Wine, being a symbol of joy and of a festive occasion, was a beverage in daily use in Talmudic times. A blessing was recited whenever the fruit of the vine was taken. On the Sabbath a special prayer, called the “Kiddush”–meaning “sanctification”–was recited with the wine for the sanctification of the holy day unto the Lord. At home, Jewish families recite the Kiddush before the Sabbath begins on Friday evening, and during holiday meals. A special “Kiddush cup” is usually set aside for this purpose. The head of the household recites the traditional blessing over the cup— “Blessed are You, O Lord our God, King of the universe, creator of the fruit of the vine.”
Many “Kiddush” cups have inscribed on them the Hebrew words “Boreh pri ha gefen”—“Creator of the fruit of the vine.” Yeshua (Jesus) was pronouncing the special Passover “Kiddush” at the Last Supper, and this became the basis for Communion.

Please note that this item will be shipped separately from Israel.

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